How to make vassals ck3. 1) Under Clan, it removes opinion penalties.

Mar 2, 2022 · Vassals seem to have stopped converting culture that is foreign. Feb 23, 2022 · But the basics are make sure your vassals share your faith and culture, don't skip the basics. Keeping Yourself Strong. That is 4 vassals. You can give them to your primary heir too. There are lots of punishments and rebellions if they mismatch on one or both. AI heavily favors dejure and weaker targets for conquest. 3. Jan 23, 2020 · easy question first: you don't have to worry about vassal kings creating empire titles. Look for the shields on the map. You have a duchy. Make sure you don't incur tyranny, not exactly sure what the penalties are but can't be good. They can bypass this however by having a Hook on you, or by having a specific right (War Declaration: Sanctioned) in their vassal contract. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 &…. So if you cannot call them to war (and I think they can not call you either) it should just not be an alliance at all. Tax Jurisdictions are accessible via a sidebar tab only available to Clan governments, or from the bottom of the Realm sidebar, on the Vassals tab. Unless you have High Crown Authority your vassal's are allowed to war amongst themselves freely. A ruler with no descendants will pass their titles to their liege. Remember: While i found it counter intuitive at first, the domain limit counts for directly held holdings/baronies **. This can be done with or without justification, but revoking titles without justification may result in negative consequences such as civil wars or a reputation as a tyrant. This really messes up my game, they constantly get themselves killed in this and their heirs are all arrogant pricks that now have way too much land. As others said, this is completely intentional. He will then become a Clan. Sep 15, 2020 · Tribal vassals do it on their own via the decision "adopt feudal ways via liege" for 250 prestige. Then get this. All levies are your levies. You can use hooks here to increase your chance of success. Now every Vassal gives you a % of levy-men along with gold, which you can edit via contracts the amount given, and levy-men/levies/a levy is just the normal Apr 8, 2024 · Governments collect taxes and levies from clan vassals by creating Tax Jurisdictions and assigning vassals to them. The higher their rank, the higher the amount of money they pay. Only Counts, Dukes or Kings have an effect for the Vassal-Limit A Baron (from a Castle, City or Temple) has no effect for the Vassal-Limit So, you have (for example) to give away 2 of your Counts to 1 of your Dukes to reduce (in this case) your Vassals by "-2" under your Vassal-Limit Otherwise, it is a BUG. Get your crown authority to limited and you can start revoking titles from vassals/baronies to get some more domains. Finally, you could just use hooks on fellow vassals to force them to join. I know that in order to get primogeniture all your vassals need to have a positive opinion of you, i see people with happy vassals all the time but it’s the For independence factions make sure your vassals share your culture, religion and dynasty. Each jurisdiction requires a Tax Collector. Getting more than 5 gold from a kingdom is an outlier, even with extortionate taxes and late game. siriannn. You could do this this to consolidate counties to less vassals. That way, you can revoke all of the revolters' titles without a tyrannical penalty after the war (assuming you win) whilst also imprisoning them. It also requires all powerful vassals to either have a positive opinion of the liege, be imprisoned or be terrified . But then it should not count as alliance esp. You have to be a higher rank than what you're giving away. (Virtues for heirs, sins for claimants) If you’re marrying their children/siblings to your children/siblings, they can’t join factions. Once he inherits your titles, they will switch to the Clan government form as well. This can be done by either pressing F4, or by clicking on the teal-colored throne 2) Piss off as many vassals as possible, and get them to revolt in a faction. And you will have enough reserve for many territories. **. Mar 28, 2022 · In this video you'll learn:- How to manage powerful vassals- What the council roles do, and which are worth prioritising- How to manage your council and deci Sep 2, 2020 · Of course you run into problems when your vassals attack external territories and take them as you can't revoke their baronies so they don't make money and you get no residual income. Or you can simply murder them. One way is to get them to change culture is to try and have their heirs as wards and convert their culture. You don't. It allows you to join your vassals war or call your vassals/liege to your wars if you're allied to them. My vassal was my own son, who I had an alliance with, near 100 relationship and who was my heir. There are three types of law affecting succession to a title: gender, realm and title. Just try not to be too tyrannical while increasing dread or you may get a rebellion. Apr 24, 2012 · Apr 24, 2012. You will now select the province you want to convert and May 14, 2022 · Players just need to right-click on a vassal, and they'll find the option to modify their contract under the Vassalage & Court tab. If it's directly from a count you get the say 10%, but then if it goes through a duke, you get 10% of the 10%. Its not going to be fun to have look through a ruler's realm to try and figure which of his vassals are going to the join the Twelvefield Nov 15, 2020 @ 8:24pm. With maxed Crown Authority vassals can't declare wars even outside your realm. I handed out the areas to Vassals but they pay me between 0 and 0. It has 4 counties; each held by a separate count. Oct 7, 2020 · CRUSADER KINGS PURCHASE LINK: https://www. Only exception: a liege cannot join a war against one of his vassals. 826. Aug 17, 2022 · Crown Authority 4 (absolute crown authority) to stop them from fighting at all baring hooks or vassals having sanctioned war in their vassal contract. Dec 24, 2021 · There's this stewardship perk called "Golden Obligations". A feudal lord owns the tribal land and has to pay 500 gold to feudalize the county. Sep 13, 2020 · Fixed from ck2 to ck3? or from earlier versions of ck3? granting titles is a little bit better because at least you can 'grant to' from the title view or 'grant title' from the recipient view, as well as multi-select titles. You need to have a higher rank than duke (or what ever title you're giving away) in order to vassalise the recipient. if they want to become emperor, they'd first have to be independent. Temple Baronies will be granted to generated Theocratic Barons who are Theocratic Rulers. #4. #11. the idea that vassals of the king’s vassals owed primary allegiance to the monarch. At the start of a civil war, every single vassal in the realm will be called to pick their side, creating multiple blocs of loyalist and rebel factions throughout the realm fighting for dominance. Note that applies to your direct vassals, their vassals can still war each other. Vassals can declare for their liege and raise their armies in defense of the crown, declare neutrality, or side with the rebels. 1 in tax. In fact, if the duchy is de jure part of your kingdom then they don't even have to be a vassal (they will become one after pressing the claim). #6. 1) Under Clan, it removes opinion penalties. Jun 29, 2022 · Here's a quick guide on how to get Theocratic Vassals in CK3! They're the best vassal type with the best taxes and easiest management!"Savfk - Journey To The We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For claimant factions make sure your vassals like you more then the claimant. With partition succession, the primary heir cannot be granted titles that other heirs expect to inherit. Click that, it will take you to your ally. This gets expensive fast for person who holds those tribes, especially since they get no income from them. Make sure your steward has the highest possible stewardship, it will make it a lot faster to convert Sep 4, 2020 · Vassals no longer need to be pulled into wars if tribal, the new war mechanics and levy system completely nullify that garbage, and treat the entire game like feudal systems more or less. You can get 50~ gold per month from your own demesne, plus harsh city taxes. ”. #3. Dunno what your long term game is but you can revoke titles and give them to your heirs. We'll start with who the vassals are and how many of them you can have. Sort by: Best to keep the vassal count as close to 60 as possible, but below. Oct 26, 2018. It's just that French vassals successfully opposed that. Correct. Eventually, the number of levies the ruler has in Sep 11, 2023 · Want to learn every way you can create theocratic vassals in a realm that doesn't already have them?Watch my video on it here: https://youtu. Some vassals may refuse if they want to continue the war or don’t like you. gg/italianspartacusChapters0:00 Intro & Summary1:33 Vassal Overview23:28 Increasing Vassal Opinion30:33 Choos Hi, Currently on my second game and I am petty king of Deira (Pretty much Yorkshire if you know the U. Sep 2, 2020 · Hello and welcome to my Crusader Kings 3 tutorial series for beginners, designed to teach you both the basics and intricacies of the game so you can better u Bit late on this one, but as Strathclyde I found myself in the same situation after conquering some Irish land and giving it to some of my boys. nexus. Whether you're a returning player from a previous Crusader Kings title or a first time player of the franchise, this Mar 5, 2021 · Powerful is a relative term; the game calls them powerful but the only thing that matters to you is are they actually powerful enough that if they start a fight with you can they win! I just ignore them and appoint the best person for the job (unless the best at the time is also rubbish in which case I appoint the powerful vassal temporarily). Since crown Authority does not scale down to lower levels. Or piss him off enough that he declares independence and crush the revolt. High Crown Authority prevents vassals from declaring war on people other than you. Oct 26, 2018 · Omniburg. If you then want to see the next level ctl-left click on that vassal will show his direct vassals. Oct 2, 2020 · I get the idea behind not being able to call vassals to war since they give you levies. Only issue is that their vassals, if they have any, won't convert, and will likely rebel. Jun 16, 2021 · Good news - tribal vassals will take the decision to adopt feudal ways through liege if they can. Keeping yourself strong in the long term primarily relies on two factors: Number and concentration of holdings, and construction. Another is to just murder until theres a child on the throne, they tend to be pretty willing to rise up at that point. What traits make vassals build, develop? I think I found a pretty good exploit, but I need good vassals to do the thing. So I conquer Egypt and convert from Tribal to Feudal. Award. I am sure that they did not have any hooks. Feb 26, 2023 · Your Steward will have a task called “Promote Culture,” which will change the culture of a county after a lot of years. Create a vassal of your own religion. Man-At-Arms are like the old retinues - professional soldiers you hire and pay for personally (and control) except they don't stick around permanently. Have your heir learn languages in the realm to reduce cultural acceptance penalties, avoid any major opinion hits like holding 3 duchies or tyranny actions. Kings pay up to 200 gold. And part of the design with the smaller council in CK3 compared to CK2 is to make these choices a bit harder and more meaningful. CK3 is a game and information needs fairly easy to access for any given situation. Showing 1 - 11 of 11 comments. You can only offer vassalage to a ruler that is of lower rank than you (i. While late in your reign, you probably don't care, you really should care earlier in your reign with the powerful vassals at least. You want to hold every single county in two duchies you own that are either bordering each other, or very close to each other. 1. Our Crusader Kings 3 Beginner's Guide dives into the conversation about Vassals - what are vassals, how do they work, how should you keep vassals organized, It can happen a lot, or not at all. If you have a tribal holding as a feudal, you can feudalize it in the holding interface (where you'd be building temples for example) for 500 gold. 2) Vassals that are allied by marriage can't faction against you. ) will create a Theocratic Vassal. Please be aware that this might (heavily) alter the game balance. This option will increase the levy, garrison, and reinforcement rate. Aug 2, 2021 · Make them love you (gifts, good personnality, friendship, sex etc) Make them hate you liege (excomunication, reveal secrets about them) Good focuses might include diplomacy (for the perk giving you relationship bonuses toward fellow vassals and the friendship plot) and intrigue (for the ability to fabricate hooks and being better at uncovering Sep 15, 2020 · Go over to the realm tab, the green crown on the upper right portion of the screen, open it to view your kingdom, and then hit the domain page. I would go about that by targeting the 2nd or 3rd in line child and educate him with the help of a hook into a religion considered "evil". Like, if you have the third metropolitan dynasty perk (from spain), a republican vassal will pay you 35% of their taxes and 25% of their levies, and throwing in the republican legacy cultural perk (from an italian culture) bumps that up to 45% taxes and 30% levies at the cost of a moderate opinion penalty. He can join a war against a sub-vassal (rebellion), though. Sep 18, 2020 · Colonel. Because one thing is to pacify 2-3, another is to try to pacify 20 before they inevitably go apeshit and declare succession wars they cannot ever win. moldeh said: You don't really want to tax feudal vassals though. Feb 27, 2016 · ctl-left click on the realm you want to see the direct vassals. If the realm only has a portion of them available, then go over to the council and have the marshal set to “Organize Levies”. Granting this County (Can only grant Temples to adults of your Gender Law. Sep 10, 2020 · The High crown authority is bugged. The Demand Surrender option is highlighted under “Vassalage & Court; more”. However, there are ways to speed up the process. In the character view, in their titles list, the first county-level title is the capital county. Also having a few prisoners on hand to pass to your heir for dread executions is usually a good idea. Theocratic vassals like the pope or price-bishops pay a hell of a lot more than feudal ones. Then we will focus on the interactions and relations with vassals. This feature got me back to playing eu4 because i find it so annoying. Developed counties will also require more time to Promote Culture. Liked it at first but now it pisses me off. Nov 7, 2023 · Newly landed characters receive a selection of men-at-arms at no cost. Also, the potential vassal needs to be at peace (it is okay if the potential liege is at war). Count and Duke rulers can appoint 1 Edit: It's where their court is, so go to their court and find a vassal of theirs that is "in so and so vassal's court" and there you have it; their court. Fourth, you want to keep your vassals happy. Sep 1, 2020 · From my understanding, vassals just contribute to your total army and don't get raised individually any more. Iirc there's a law in vassal contract that gives vassals bonus development at the expense of your own - can't remember how much Go to your character screen. There are two cases for vassals to convert counties to feudal. also doesn't matter if they are viceroys or hereditary kingdom titles. Jan 7, 2011. K) and I won most of Mercia in a holy war which sent me over my Domain limit. May 29, 2022 · make sure your vassals always have as high opinion of your ruler as possible as this will give a bonus to opinion to his heir when he takes over. You can also just fabricate claims on lands with your Bishop, it takes a year or so to justify and costs some Mar 4, 2024 · At least some were last verified for version 1. Jan 8, 2022 · Reworked Civil Wars. You will need to create a kingdom to have dukes as vassals. There are also some other game-breaking solutions that can work but it completely destroys any RP value the game has. vassals can't create titles of the same tier as their liege (since that would make them independent without the liege being able to do something about it). How do I keep Jul 18, 2022 · This tutorial will explain ten ways to keep your vassals happy and approving in Crusader Kings 3, use these maneuvers to prevent them from joining factions o Jul 19, 2021 · I know there's a buff you can add to speed up culture conversion by a ton. Spread the gold around and sway when you can. Make sure they are the same faith and convert them if they are not. Basically the more levels of vassals the tax need to get to you the less you get due to it being dilated by every rank between you and the vassal. Jul 15, 2021 · The game is counting direct vassals; vassals with you as their Liege. Oct 17, 2023 · 1) Revoke all titles: You can revoke the titles of a vassal, which will make them leave your court and join a different court if they are not imprisoned. Finally, stewardship focus every ruler heir should start on it and then go on the management tree (last one on the right), this tree gives you an easy +30 to vassal opinion and additional bonuses As it comes to count and higher tier vassals, even without those buffs, i would agree that republic-vassals are more valuable than feudal-vassals. A vassal refusing to surrender in an internal war. Also, keep in mind vassals lands are often messed up due to sieges from wars or rebellions. May 9, 2021 · Suger, an influential abbot of Saint-Denis and advisor to the king of France from early 12th century pushed the idea of the primacy of the monarch, i. ago. 136. That's drastic, and it helps to have a hook, but it will work as a last resort. 2) Assassinate the Edit: this is in ck3. They will go back to whatever they were doing before. It costs around 500 gold to feudalize when you yourself hold the county, so I figured that'd be the same for a newly tribal vassal. You will may have to seize the directly held counties after succession, because of inheritance law. Sep 23, 2020 · CK3 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 With the right optimization, all republican duchies are better than feudal/clan vassals. You make sure that your son and heir inherits the Clan kindom-tier title of Valencia, before inheriting your title of Sicily. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Add bookmark. . Welcome to the beginner's guide for Crusader Kings III, a grand strategy game where you lead your medieval dynasty through warfare, diplomacy and intrigue on a path to glory. 438K subscribers in the CrusaderKings community. only converting the parent cultures of hybrid cultures and they seem to have stopped that too. Sep 8, 2020 · 5. The problem just compounds as time passes by. Now things has changed, you want less vassals (this means they are stronger) because it is the only way to be able to deal with them and make them happy. If your highest rank is duke and you make another duke, he will be independent. In one case that guy blobbed up to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Per page: 15 30 50. 05 one revolt can lead to 10 more) and it decreases the levies you get from them. Increase your dread and make everyone terrified of you. Edit: So in your case: control-left click on the Abbasids and then repeat on Egypt. Theocratic-Vassals gives you 55% levies ans tax at its best. The larger their income is, the more men-at-arms they will receive. Weirdly in my Daura game my vassals convert territory to the HAUSA culture like MAD. All that is required of them is that they follow an organized faith, their direct liege is feudal, for them to have their tribal authority above level 1, and for them to have 150 prestige. Oct 3, 2020 · Alliances with vassals serve several important functions. Rule 5: I'm almost done getting the awful Lingua Franca achievement, but I have 2 king vassals (Italy and Navarra) who refuse to speak Greek. If you play as the Irish, Welsh, and maybe Gaelic and conquer the entirety of Britain you can get a +25% buff to convert culture in the British Isles for a long time. Changing gender or succession laws costs 500 Prestige if government is Feudal and 2000 Prestige if government is Clan. Diplomatic relations are on the right, in blue. since this makes getting new alliances harder. Keep your county limit obviously and anything in your within your dukedom’s region. Mar 27, 2024 · How to Offer Vassalage (Part 1) In order to offer vassalage, either both realms need to be independent or both realms need to have the same liege. Ransoms are easy to understand: get someone with money into your prison and you can ransom them. You need to directly own a castle holding in that same county and then go to that castle holding and click the move capital button (the button you can normally use to move your realm capital, but in this context it will change the county capital). Converting the capital only helps in the sense that if you do so, this ensures that the vassal will never convert his culture to match the wrong province culture, meaning the event can continue to possibly fire if their descendants are in the stewardship tree. basically, you appoint a Major, then give him the county with the city/barony, and then the county, this makes him a Republic vassal and there are differences (hes a major cunt :P) City majors don't have a wife, you can marry I guess in the end I could always try the tyrannical version: revoke their kingdom title and be done with it, but I'd like to avoid that if possible (I'm also afraid that could incite other vassals / rulers to change their court language due to my tyranny level) 9. There’s also the obvious: make sure your ruler/vassals are the right religion. I gave one of them gifts until they had 600 gold, then waited. That means if you hold 7 castles over 2-3 counties (for example in Bohemia) you will already rech your domain limit. Apr 3, 2021 · Another thing you can do is make an Intrigue character, unlock abduction, kidnap a foreign leader, and force them to convert as a release condition. be/6QhwQGUdph4I Ask them to end the war or surrender, and they may stop. Mar 12, 2012 · 74 Badges. 2. Aug 31, 2012 · It doesn't matter if it's de jure or not or whether the claimant is of your dynasty when you're a king pressing a vassal's claim on a duchy. They still constantly wage wars with each other, weakening my realm and then getting angry when I take titles back they've stolen. Mar 12, 2012. Plus claims and all that are easier inside the realm. Would this not mean We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ~in my save, all the counties that are my main (50 yo) culture either flipped when forming hybrid or i converted them myself, despite the vassals having my primary culture Dec 18, 2022 · Set your religious councilor to convert counties. Once you have a Theocratic Count, grant them additional Counties with Temples till they are over their Domain Limit. Oct 28, 2020 · Look at the military tab and make sure the ruler has the maximum number of levies in reserve. But if you have crown authority 3, they can't go to war with other vassals and are forced to go outside the realm to expand if they wish Jul 1, 2022 · On this page of the Crusader Kings 3 guide you will find a description of the vassal system, which is one of the most important mechanics of the game. There is no "vassal" levy mechanic anymore. That's their capital. All of my vassals converted to feudal as well, except We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Reply. Sep 17, 2022 · An additional problem with adding vassals into the warfare equation as is is that it adds a lot of unnecessary complications to the game. 11. The opinion hit massively increases revolt rrisk (and in 1. You create the duchy, and give it to one of those counts; and then give the other 3 counts as vassals to your new duke. can't be equal or higher rank). But to beat theocratic-vassals they definitely need the buffs, otherwise they are getting outperformed. Usually, even with a level 20 Steward, it will still take around 7 to 8 years to spread your culture in CK3. The most straightforward way to spread your religion in CK3 is by going to the Council menu and selecting your religious councilor (the one with the Learning stat) to “Convert Faith in County. If you have a hook on someone with gold, you can get them to pay you. Right click on ally -> call to war. You Sep 10, 2020 · If you own a county who's capital holding is a church or a city you can switch the capital to a castle. One reason seems to be they want my to be their rightful Liege but that would involve me creating a Duchy of Mercia. Oct 16, 2020 · By doing so, you will reach a maximum of 60 vassals with a large enough Empire. Forced partition them all. You could also have him assassinated. On this page you will learn more about vassals. Tribal crown authority does not stop war at any level. If the vassal becomes too powerful, you can revoke some of their titles. • 4 yr. e. Clicking this tab lets players take a look at the vassal's Sep 3, 2020 · This contract can be modified from the Vassals tab in the Realm Menu, by clicking on the small scroll under each Vassal. Oct 1, 2023 · Today I have some tips for you guys on how you can create theocratic vassals in order to abuse their extremely overpowered tax benefits!!Timestamps:0:00 - In The taxes are only counted after their military expenses afaik. They may hate you, but that doesn't matter once they're all dead and have no/little land. Mar 26, 2024 · Succession law. It contains a list of all the domains your character Mar 31, 2022 · The first step players will want to do to fabricate a claim is open their Council screen in Crusader Kings 3 . I've installed czechs to the thrones, so ruling families of these counties/kingdoms/duchies are of my culture. Jump to latest Follow Reply. Here, players can raise or lower the amount of taxes and levies that the Sep 7, 2020 · There were A LOT of questions surrounding vassals from my first video, so let's take a deeper, more in-depth and extended look into vassals in Crusader Kings Apr 22, 2022 · Outside of the decision which made you and your vassals feudal. Be sure to convert their capital yourself (all duchy level vassals) so they don't convert to the local culture. Usually other vassals are weaker than external enemies so they will target them most of the time. Edit: fixed the click. Crusader Kings III > General Discussions > Topic Details. And I desperately need them too. And as the limit of vassals is out, unite the lands under vassals in the status of kings (being yourself an Emperor) and give king status to one vassal. Raise crown authority. Oct 12, 2020 · They do culture convert however the AI doesn't do it often. You just went from 4 vassals to 1. Your vassals are always going to be able to declare war on you, their liege, however; it's their only recourse if they don't like you. nx rt to vq fa so ik ha wx cp