Qcombobox events. QtCore import Qt, QSortFilterProxyModel from PyQt5.

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roleen lo dadoindexen el cuadro combinado, o un QVariant no válido si no hay datos para esta función. QComboBox): arrowClicked = QtCore. Feb 2, 2016 · I need to map the items in the combo box to strings (which are distinct from the displayed strings). Jul 12, 2013 · 5. You hould inherit a QComboBox and reimplement void QComboBox::showPopup () [virtual] P. A combobox is a selection widget that displays the current item, and can pop up a list of selectable items. A QComboBox widget presents a drop-down list of items for the user to select an option from. 6, I am using a qcombobox to provide a list of options. & I wants that when i click on combo box its default text is clear. {. 7 documentation. addItem("項目1"); comboBox. QComboBox is a widget in PyQt5 which is used to choose from a list. By overwriting the mousePressEvent() method you must use hitTestComplexControl() method to know that QStyle::SubControl has been pressed by issuing a signal if it is QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow. You can set the text by passing in a str as you create it: python. connect(updateGraph) With the parentheses in front of currentIndexChanged you are actually calling the signal, when you really want to access the signal's connect method. When an item in the drop-down is clicked on, the value of SelectedItem is changed and the SelectionChanged event is raised. May 5, 2019 · You can also set the text of a label dynamically, by using the setText() method: python. install it on the view: comboBox->view()->installEventFilter(this); Then you of course in the eventFilter () implementation you also need to check for the view: virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override. 7. The code looks something like this: Jan 14, 2018 · 2. 声明 QVariant QComboBox::itemData (int index, int role= Qt::UserRole) constante. connect (self. In my example below, this line is critical: item->setData(Qt::Unchecked, Qt::CheckStateRole); If it is omitted the check boxes won't render as there isn't a valid check-state to render. In order to do this we will use activated. One should modify it for their intended purposes. Véase también setItemData (). And here is the adjusted code to PyQt5: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PyQt5. 通过连接点击事件,我们可以执行自定义操作来响应用户的选择。. Note that the destroyed () signal will be emitted even if the signals for this object have been blocked. Solution is likely to block last mouse release event on combo box by installing event filter in the delegate or by overriding editorEvent of item delegate. Devuelve el delegado de elemento utilizado por la vista de lista emergente. Below is the representation of how combo looks like –. Second idea I have is to implement a model for combobox but i don't now exatly is there any roule for popup elements. #include <QtGui>. #Write your __init__ body here. I have had success creating a combobox with a liststore in pyGT but it appears Apr 23, 2015 · 3. QtWidgets import QCompleter, QComboBox class ExtendedComboBox(QComboBox): def __init__(self, parent=None): super Create a listbox. I'm struggling with the syntax this morning: // call function readTables(int) when currentIndex changes. #include <QComboBox>. Devuelve los datos para el dado. 并没有点击事件的信号。. Dec 9, 2013 · 14. Jul 20, 2019 · 1. A QComboBox provides a means of presenting a list of options to the user in a way that takes up the minimum amount of screen space. 2、MyComboBox. I have been able to use a signal to trigger a method when the option is selected, but the problem is that when the user clicks run, the contents of several of these comboboxes need to be taken into account. setText( "2") # The label now shows 2. QComboBox. How can I dynamically set the width of a QComboBox, for instance, to the largest QString within the comboBox? Oct 19, 2010 · I then rely on THAT QCombobox to emit a signal so that I can populate the next one. Detailed Description. do_something) The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list. flags RenderFlags. widget = QLabel( "Hello" ) Or, by using the . I would like to have a given item in comboBox selected when opening editor, and when loading given data that should update in editor. edited Jun 24, 2017 at 3:25. I believe I solved this problem. If you reimplement this function to show a custom pop-up, make sure you call hidePopup () to reset the internal state. This tutorial will Aug 23, 2022 · 1. Comboboxes can contain pixmaps as well as strings if the insertItem () and setItemText () functions are suitably overloaded. wheelEvent(self, event) else: event. QComboBox uses the model/view framework for its popup list and to store its items. update() Display Features. 09. my code is as following:-. answered Dec 9, 2013 at 11:39. QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal. blockSignals(True) . A QComboBox is a compact way to present a list of options to the user. Even if you could get it working, it would fail whenever the list was opened via the keyboard. Functions: QComboBox realizes multi-selection function Returns a list of selected text 1 key to select all and cancel all functions Using pyqt4 and python 2. connect(updateGraph) to. self. Install the event filter on the QComboBox's view. lineEdit(). Change the line. To create a combobox, you use the QComboBox class: combobox = QCombobBox(self) Code language: Python (python) After creating a combobox, you need to populate its options Feb 22, 2015 · Then the combo is set visible and immediatelly receives mouse release event, on which the combo box calls hide popup. MyComboBox. You can access the model and view directly (with model() and view() ), but QComboBox also provides functions to set and get item data, for example, setItemData() and Oct 3, 2012 · 1. xAxis. emit(self. I develop Qt Application with a touchscreen. addItem("Apple") The method addItem adds an option to the list box. How can i connect combobox? --Alles ist gut. 02 QComboBox의 실행. Apr 5, 2012 · return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } In ComboBox you will need to install event filter when popup is shown. As mentioned already: you need to get the pointer to the line edit using QLineEdit *QComboBox::lineEdit () and use that pointer in the connect. eyllanesc. Chris Kawa Lifetime Qt Champion. Mar 12, 2024 · Installing an event filter on the combobox to get events of its popup is effective just as it would be installing an event filter on a window and hoping to get mouse events on a button inside it. : QComboBox* combo = new QComboBox(); combo->addItem("True"); combo->addItem("False"); I need to call a function with currentIndex+1 when the currentIndex of a QComboBox changes. test. This message is not needed because the combo is already displaying the current item. This is a simple one-line piece of text that you can position in your application. This property was introduced in QtQuick. old_Pos = None inside __init__ and mouseReleaseEvent, and put an if self. ignore() – ui->modeComboBox->setView(listView); but in both cases this totally disables the highlight of chosen item (which is 17th item) UPDATE 1. A combobox provides you with a list of options so that you can select one of them. For example, if you move to a new record and type an ANSI character in a text box in the record, the following events occur in this order: KeyDown → KeyPress → BeforeInsert → Change → KeyUp. If you don't want to explicitly set the user data, you can refer to the items texts with Qt::DisplayRole flag, i. Although I could just have a list of items that correspond to the items in the QComboBox, I'd rather get them straight from the widget itself (there are a huge amount of QComboBoxes with many items each). My Combo box is edittable. This will pass the event to the parent so you don't have to explicitly designate who receives the scroll. from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets. Signal() def mousePressEvent(self, event): super(). Use the highlighted signal as written above, otherwise install the event filter on the combo's view() (or, better, its viewport()). For this tutorial we will create a GUI that can simulate the XOR function. Here on the Stack, there are a number of answers ( 1, 2, etc) that show how to bind the event: cbox. If you get a nasty disappear/appear paint issue you may have to get Qt to delay the paint events while the popup is visible. In the same way connect one or more of these signals to slot (s). When I use touch event, the combobox pops up the dropdown scroll, but I can not select an item from it with touch event. 因为项目需求,需要实现点击QComboBox时就发送信号,但是Qt自带的QComboBox类,只提供了以下几种信号:. 这为开发具有下拉列表框功能的应用程序提供了便利。. How can I get the embedded QComboBox to respond to mouse wheel events? First prize if you know how to have it responding to mouse events when the popup list is shown. 和继承自QObject的信号:. Introduction to the PyQt QComboBox. I groped for it and wrote it, which can barely be used. h: private slots: void indexChanged(int index); in mainwindow. Put in a "QLineEdit". ``` def wheelEvent(self, event): if self. currentIndexChanged. setModel(mylistmodel). comboBox. Stephen Terry. 在这里解释一下 emit,emit 是QT里面的一个关键字,意思是触发一个信号,这里的话是触发我们 //This is the file named as CheckBoxList. The problem is trying to find a method that recognizes a click event on it. This article covers the QComboBox widget in PyQt (PyQt5). Mar 29, 2021 · 1. #6. Oct 20, 2015 · Open up "QT Assistant". label = QLabel( "Hello" ) Or, by using the . A combobox is also known as a dropdown or select widget. At this point both Text and SelectedItem are "Info", assuming the ComboBox items were strings. 위의 사진에 있는 프로그램은 위에 있는 ComboBox에서 항목을 선택하면 ComboBox 위에 있는 label에 항목의 이름이 표시되고, PrintItem을 누르면 ComboBox에서 선택된 항목이 Jul 20, 2017 · 4. connect(ui->deviceBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged()), SLOT( readTables( ui->deviceBox->currentIndex()+1) ); This pyqt5 tutorial will show you how to use combo boxes! Comboboxes allow for the user to see a drop down list of options and select one. addItems(combolist) comboBox. class ComboBox(QtWidgets. setEnabled(False) # disable comboBox. The best idea I've come up for it is to use the QComboBox::itemData function to get the needed string from the selected item, but I'm having trouble adding the associated strings to the items. 6 what I want is when the Province combobox is changed have the stations combobox updated with that selected Provinces stations. Example : In this we will A QComboBox provides a means of presenting a list of options to the user in a way that takes up the minimum amount of screen space. The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list. connect(ui->combobox,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(clickedaction(int))); answered Mar 15, 2016 at 15:28. Note: This is the truth table for the XOR function. setEditable(True) combo. So updateComboBox2 method. Oct 3, 2021 · We'll start the tour with QLabel, arguably one of the simplest widgets available in the Qt toolbox. h file @ #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H. mousePressEvent(event) Jul 3, 2015 · I want to show a text like "Please select one option" on the combobox, and don't show the text in the list, so I set setEditable to true, then set the text to the lineEdit, but after this, only the Mar 1, 2015 · You can also define custom signals as follows: from PyQt5. enum InsertPolicy. A combobox may be editable, allowing the user to Jul 25, 2013 · In this example items are identified by their displayed texts. If the ComboBox items were instead all the values of an Enum called "LogLevel", SelectedItem would currently be LogLevel. addItem("項目2"); comboBox. QCompleter *completer = new QCompleter(mdl, this);//mdl is a model with some data. So answer is simple, create QCompleter with needed data and set it, to comboBox using setCompleter() setter. wrote on last edited by Chris Kawa. sender()) 6. Action is basically a method called by the combo box when it gets changes these changes can be new item get inserted by user or any item get selected by the user. You have to detect the position of the mouse click and verify that the complexcontrol is QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow: import sys. setEnabled(True) # enable comboBox. Creating The GUI. QT comboBox自定义点击事件. doLayout() Dec 18, 2012 · 0. #ifndef CHECKBOXLIST_H #define CHECKBOXLIST_H #include <QtGui> class CheckBoxList: public QComboBox { Q_OBJECT; public: CheckBoxList(QWidget *widget = 0); virtual ~CheckBoxList(); bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event); virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *); void SetDisplayText(QString text); QString GetDisplayText() const; private I have a QComboBox that I fill with QString using: comboBox->addItem(someString); When I start my GUI application the width of the QComboBox is always 70, even if the smallest item is much larger. And so on. My ListModel looks like this: I am still very new to Qt but I am developing a type of calculator and want to use a combobox to select a coefficient. Q_OBJECT. Dec 7, 2020 · There is no signal that is emitted when the down arrow is pressed but you can create override the mousePressEvent method and verify that this element was pressed: QApplication, QComboBox, QStyle, QStyleOptionComboBox, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, arrowClicked = pyqtSignal() def mousePressEvent(self, event): The official dedicated python forum. If it is, check if it is the Enter key. h: #include <memory>. 以及继承自QWidget的信号:. Sep 8, 2021 · python. editingFinished. The Kendo UI for jQuery ComboBox supports a comprehensive set of events which enable you to provide fluent experience and smooth interaction with the component. 在本文中,我们介绍了如何使用PyQt5中的QComboBox控件,并处理其点击事件。. Unfortunately, when I load the form (before I make a selection in the combobox), SelectedIndexChanged of the combobox fires (I think when the combobox is databinding ). here is the code: from PyQt5. Jan 28, 2011 · searching inside the combobox. You can retrieve this data using ui->comboBox->model()->data() with the role that was used in setItemData. Mar 15, 2016 · 2. The correct way to do this is to override showPopup: class ComboBox(QtGui. You can create a list box with these lines: 1. cpp. The QComboBox is a simple widget for presenting a list of options to your users in PyQt, taking up the minimum amount of screen space. connect(foo_slot) answered Mar 30, 2021 at 23:59. I've looked all over the designer and have not yet A QComboBox is a compact way to present a list of options to the user. 故采用继承QComboBox的方式,重载QMouseEvent方法,实现点击事件。. Sep 5, 2021 · Learn how to implement, customize, and manage drop-down selection lists effectively for a seamless user experience. S. #include <QtGui/QMainWindow> #include <QTextEdit> #include <QComboBox> class MainWindow The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list. Then, create an instance of this class and set it as event filter to your QComboBox. I tested to set ::item:checked stylesheet but it didn't help: QListView * listView = new QListView(ui->modeComboBox); Qt Widgets における QComboBox (class) に関連するサンプルコード 基本的な使い方 # include <QtWidgets/QComboBox> int main { // QComboBox オブジェクトを作成 QComboBox comboBox; // 項目を追加 comboBox. Oct 17, 2013 · The alternative way to find the combo box item is setting the specific role as the second argument for QComboBox::findData() function. Finally a good solution. : but it does not work. setText() method: python. #2. 通过使用PyQt5的QComboBox,我们可以轻松地创建出功能强大且美观 A QComboBox provides a means of presenting a list of options to the user in a way that takes up the minimum amount of screen space. 2. If you need to detect the item activation either by mouse click or enter pressed then use activated (int index). You can call that as many times as you need to with different options. combo = QComboBox(self) combo. Go to the Index. But you also can attach additional data to items using QComboBox::setItemData. To connect a listbox change with a method, you can use this: Feb 15, 2021 · replied to developer_96 on last edited by. 2 (Qt 5. First, we populated the items of the QComboBox. To simplify the task, the setCurrentIndex() method will be overwritten. class Foo(QObject): an_event = pyqtSignal() a_number = pyqtSignal(int) In each of these cases pyqtSignal is used to define a property of the Foo class which you can connect to like any other signal. comboBox2 = QComboBox() Then you can set the item of first combobox 1 - 10. You can also adjust font parameters, such as the size of the font or the alignment of text in the widget: Apr 26, 2020 · 1. enum SizeAdjustPolicy. This event is invoked in the order in which the widgets are added to the widget hierarchy and expect the frame property of the widget is calculated and available for use within this event. A combobox is a selection widget that shows the current item, and pops up a list of selectable items when clicked. You can find a complete list of QComboBox methods and options at the end of this Mar 31, 2021 · 5. Connect a slot to this instance's signal, which you implemented. widget. class MyComboBox : public QComboBox. Feb 20, 2013 · I have an application in which i want to handle mousePress event for QComboBox. If these are not clear, i recommend reading the following Jun 4, 2013 · As an experiment, I've also tried catching the wheelEvent, either in QComboBox, or in the QGraphicsProxyWidget, but it too is never called. I want to pre-select an item in each QCombobox based on the user's last interaction with the gui. The problem is caused by the fact that making the combo editable, you actually have two widgets that can handle mouse events, and since QComboBox handles mouse buttons in a specific way (to allow proper popup management) that makes things difficult, because the popup normally closes after the button press. The example shows check boxes in a combobox, list and table, as I couldn't get it to work at first either, so I tried different views. Info. The QComboBox widget in PyQt6 is used to Combo Box, which displays a drop-down list of options, which the user can select any option from. It was only intended to be used for a specific QComboBox in one of my applications. I want to disable this and propagate the handling of keyboard events to the parent widget. combobox = new QComboBox (); connect (combobox, SIGNAL ( activated ( int )), this, SLOT ( m_combobox ( int ))); Apr 17, 2014 · from funcTools import partial as pars. A combobox may be editable, allowing the user to modify each item in the list. enum RenderFlag. I have the working code below running in a venv using python 3. We will use comboboxes to allow the user to select two binary inputs (0 or 1) and then display the result of the XOR function applied to them. For pushbutton i used Below code . Aug 25, 2017 · MyListView is a subclass of QListView. A combobox may be editable, allowing the user to Aug 20, 2014 · I have A LOT of QComboBoxes, and at a certain point, I need to fetch every item of a particular QComboBox to iterate through. e. In the slot we simply emit commitData signal that will cause the view to call the setModelData of our delegate: @QtCore. I found the answer to my question, QComboBox. QComboBox (QWidget *) ~QComboBox () acceptDrops () const : bool. ui->comboBox->addItem("item " + QString::number(i)); Then, when we click the button, a message box will popup to give information about the item that's currently selected. Aug 25, 2017 · replied to Maluna34 on 27 Aug 2017, 23:50. using QComboBox::QComboBox; void clicked(); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override{. Move its container upwards (a QComboBoxPrivateContainer ), by subtracting the view 's height from the comboBox's (the parent of the QComboBoxPrivateContainer , so the view's grandparent) geometry(). On that, you can reimplement the mousePressEvent method. commitData. 위에서 설명한 함수들을 어떻게 쓰는지 한번 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 新建一个MyComboBox类。. The advantage of this widget is that it takes up very little space on the screen, making it suitable for smaller GUI windows. This is the widget to be used in space restricted PyQt GUI programs. and. This property can be used to determine when to disable event handlers that may interfere with the correct operation of an input method. cpp: void MainWindow::indexChanged(int index) { // Do something here on ComboBox index change } Mar 12, 2016 · I have been trying to get a QComboBox in PyQt5 to become populated from a database table. top() . – Dec 13, 2012 · To get the index from QComboBox change event of QComboBox item use: connect(ui->comboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(indexChanged(int))); in mainwindow. @developer_96 said in Qt - I want to use the QComboBox after the return/enter is pressed. answered Jul 20, 2017 at 12:17. Sep 12, 2021 · Changing the data in a text box or combo box by using the keyboard causes keyboard events to occur in addition to control events like the Change event. I did a quick search for "Focus" and found all the stuff related to focus for this Widget. Otherwise, if there is a matching text in the list, currentIndex The combobox widgets generates a <<ComboboxSelected>> virtual event when the user selects an element from the list of values. class ComboBox(QComboBox): def setCurrentIndex(self, ix): self. ui->comboBox->setCurrentText("choice 2"); From the Qt 5. QComboBox): def showPopup(self): self. In this class, override eventFilter(): check if the event is a key press. This event is used to set the layout properties of child widgets in the relation to self and peer widgets whose layout is not yet performed. enum PaintDeviceMetric. QtCore import Qt, QSortFilterProxyModel from PyQt5. This is the complete list of members for QComboBox, including inherited members. QtWidgets import *. I SubClassed QComboBox in order to customize it. However, if I use this paintEvent, the selected item is not being displayed (the already selected one -or- the one I newly select). insertItem(0, 'Added') Jun 27, 2015 · I want to add new combobox and connect with signals. Jul 13, 2010 · For me an even better way is to call the event's ignore(). from PyQt5 import QtCore. hasFocus(): return QtGui. Apr 12, 2020 · Try to: 1) build a new Project, with just one Form, 2) make a new class, named ComboBoxListEx and paste in this code, 3) Build the Solution, 4) Find the new Control in the ToolBox, 5) Drop it on the Form, 6) Add some items, 7) add a Label, next to the ComboBox (so, now you have comboBoxListEx1 and label1 ), 8) Find the ListItemSelectionChanged Feb 27, 2015 · There is special class for autocompletion - QCompleter. On the comboBox's SelectedIndexChanged event, am running some code, but I don't want that code to run when the form loads. h. currentIndexChanged(). It can be done in different ways, for example by overriding QComboBox::showPopup() function. widget = QLabel( "1") # The label is created with the text 1. addItem("項目3"); // 現在の選択項目のインデックスを取得 int currentIndex = comboBox Sep 22, 2017 · The return value is the previous value of signalsBlocked (). completer()->setCompletionMode(QCompleter::PopupCompletion); MyListView *comboView = new MyListView(); completer()->setPopup(comboView); if you don't need the completer, do the setView directly on the combobox. Comboboxes can contain pixmaps as well as strings if the insertItem() and setItemText() functions are suitably overloaded. Since you are using the QComboBox in editable mode then you can use the editingFinished signal from QLineEdit: combo = QComboBox() combo. completer->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); ui->comboBox->setCompleter(completer); Feb 28, 2016 · As the model used by QComboBox emits the dataChanged() signal whenever the data in an item are changed, the combobox is repainted automatically and it is not necessary to update the combobox by. If it is, emit a signal. connect method. comboList = ["Male","Female"] comboBox = QCombox. It is suitable for handling custom values the user can enter as if the combo box were an input. pyqtSlot() def currentIndexChanged(self): self. QComboBox class is used to add a combo box in a application. It takes minimum space when we click on combo box, a drop down list came from which we can select the item. Your current approach is misguided. addItem(str(i)) You can use currentTextChanged signal to update comboBox2. The advantage of this widget is that it takes up very little space on the screen, even if it has alot of different options. old_Pos: statement inside mouseMoveEvent. The setter setCurrentText () simply calls setEditText () if the combo box is editable. It works fine with mouse event, when I want to select an item from the combobox. This list is great, because it even has the inherited stuff. Thank you guys!! It helped me a lot. Combobox is not working as expected! I have these lines for having given item selected when I open the window: normBox = new QComboBox(page1); gridBox->addWidget(normBox, 2, 1, 1, 1); QStringList normsLst; The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list. This demo shows how to handle the open / close event that is triggered when the user opens/closes the control popup, the change event that is triggerred when the value of the component Apr 19, 2019 · 1. I use a combobox to display a list of computer comports. 9). It appears to me as almost Qt bug. I have a unique function per QCombobox that is responsible for populating and pre-selecting just that QCombobox. Syntax : combo_box. anyway, I solved this problem by subclassing QAbstractListModel and then calling QComboBox. Apr 30, 2015 · Note 2: This is by no means a general purpose List Model. I am having problems with using the selected option. Syntax. QComboBox. By default a QStandardItemModel stores the items and a QListView subclass displays the popuplist. It takes two binary inputs which we will get from our While it is composing, an input method may rely on mouse or key events from the combo box to edit or commit the partial text. Jan 3, 2018 · It is not necessary to use lambda functions to send additional information if QComboBox is used, QComboBox can store information for each index, addItem() has an additional parameter where information can be saved and we can access it through the itemData() method, we can add another information with the setItemData() method. activated. Implement setModelData method: def setModelData(self, editor, model, index): The OnChange event represents a user action - confirmation of the current value/item. You have to first initialize the combobox in __init__ method. Oct 11, 2021 · Supplement: QComboBox in PyQt5 realizes multi-selection function There are too many big bosses on the Internet, and I don't understand what I wrote. 1、MyComboBox. comboBox1. A combobox may be editable, allowing the user to Oct 20, 2015 · When the dropdown list for a QComboBox is open, keyboard input is used as a (not particularly smart) way of searching for elements. @Maluna34. If you know the text in the combo box that you want to select, just use the setCurrentText () method to select that item. comboBox1 = QComboBox() self. 代码如下. all we have to do is to define self. There is a really useful link called "List of all members, including inherited members" on all the Widget pages. connect(pars(yourFuncWithCustomArguments,comboList)) #! above line will pass two arguments to YourFuncWithCArgs function, socWithCustomArgume while accessing you can, def yourFuncWithCustomArguments(self,comboList:list Apr 2, 2020 · PyQt5 – QComboBox. I wrote the following paintEvent () method to test to see that my style sheet was being applied properly before I started with the customization. #7. Aug 20, 2014 · So apart from rewriting their event filter code, another option is to connect the "activated(int index)" or "highlighted(int index)" signal to a slot that can call "showPopup()" which would re-raise the list items. There is no signal clicked () in QComboBox. 사진 02. 241k 19 191 269. Controls 2. A combobox may be editable, allowing the user to Detailed Description. 这样对 QComboBox 的重写就完成了,我们就可以使用具有鼠标点击响应的 MyComboBox 这个类了。. bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", function) However, I can't make it work. You can also adjust font parameters, such as the size of the font or the alignment of text in the widget: python. This will prevent combo from getting focus on mouse wheel event: comboBox->setFocusPolicy ( Qt::StrongFocus ); Then you either install an event filter on the combo and filter out wheel event when it has no focus or subclass the QcomboBox class, reimplement wheelEvent event (QEvent * event ) override virtual QVariant inputMethodQuery (Qt::InputMethodQuery query ) const override Nov 17, 2015 · 1. Here's a very simple example demonstrating my non Apr 2, 2020 · In this article we will see how we can add action to the combo box. nr tv tm jt eq cy wy kj nn qh